Why you don't need your boss in a crisis
Drill Associate George Noon looks at why your boss may be a hindrance when a crisis hits; and the secret may be that the power dynamic in the crisis team is more than a bit wrong! George explores how competent, functional specialists operating at the frontline of the crisis simulation pay less attention to comms-critical tasks when the leader is present! It’s true - the presence of the boss actually may diminish the efforts of their underlings whose ‘need to defer and please’ comes to the fore.
Needless to say, it’s of little value to companies or Orgs, when their frontline crisis communications experts defer and desist from critical crisis management tasks by seeking approvals, endorsements and verifications, for the sorts of decisions that just 30 minutes earlier, they'd been competently determining among themselves. George’s article - published in AFR - poses the question, “Is you boss bad for your crisis management plans?”