Crisis management consultants
Gerry McCusker
Managing Director
The driving force behind our software is crisis communications management expert, Gerry McCusker who literally wrote the book on 'PR Disasters' (Kogan Page 2005). Gerry is an issues management and online reputation expert, certified trainer (TAE40116) and has over 33 years of frontline reputation management experience. All our other trainers are corporate, journalism, PR and reputation management experts.
Consultancy Principal, Gerry McCusker has run crisis training courses across Australasia as well as PR disaster and crisis simulation work in Gulf states.
His 'PR Disasters' book and blog fast became mandatory reading for crisis management practitioners, PR consultants and teachers PLUS students of the reputation management game.
Gerry is, perhaps, Australia's longest-established and best-regarded ORM and reputation adviser, as well as the founder of our trans-media crisis training and simulation technology, The Drill.
With clients in the Construction, Education, Finance, Healthcare, Media plus Oil and Gas sectors, Gerry has also published reputation leadership articles and insights with ABC Radio, AFR, B&T, IPRA and Mumbrella.
He's a big fan of football (as it's known throughout the world) and two-wheeled transportation.
George Noon
Senior Associate
Formerly a Fortune 300 CCO, George Noon is a Communications Management specialist with both consultancy and in-house roles thereby possessing truly global exposure and expertise. George's crisis training certification was won in the frontline of managing international issues and crisis events.
Having operated out of London and Pennsylvania, George's international crisis and issues experience spans:
Anti-competitive practices, environmental impacts, fatalities, industrial operations, and shareholder activism, ascending to national-government level issues and incidents.
Currently, George resides in Kuala Lumpur with his wife and young son.
Cem Meric
Our experienced CTO and web guru, Cem has a strong history of working as a designer and developer in the internet industry.
His design and development credentials deliver effective solutions to businesses, not for profit, government and non-government agencies such as building, health, medical and travel sectors.
Currently, Cem's on a conscious path of personal development which explores better interpersonal communication and deep meditation.
Ben Bailey - Portal Development
Every team needs a web gun, and Ben is our designer/developer, content manager, and web-standards, usability and accessibility advocate. With over 15 years web design and development expertise covering the Arts, Education, Government, Health and Telecoms sectors, Ben's philosophy is precise and professional; he's all about design that is simple, clean and effective.
Because our clients will access our website via watches, phones, tablets, laptops and desktops, our portal should also be flexible, usable, accessible and beautiful. Ben's design watchwords are accessibility, usability and simplicity and he commonly writes his own hand-coded HTML5 & CSS3 and ensures his work complies with W3C standards.
As a committed national and international traveller, we're delighted to have Ben along on our journey.
Karan Kapoor
Creative Talent
Our favourite actor, event MC and media content star Karan (aka Kuz) has a unique ability to entertain crowds large and small with just a microphone. With good multi-lingual abilities, Karan regularly features as our serious media anchor and newsreader, fearless on-location reporter or vituperative video v-logger. As a working media professional, Karan is committed to creating memorable experiences for our audiences.
At The Drill, we know that digitised, interactive crisis training is new and maybe misunderstood. So, we offer a free consultation to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.