Crisis MANAGEMENT Planning - online!
Social media simulation is one thing; a crisis management planning and training system is an altogether more valuable learning tool…
“If you want to spend six hours chopping down trees, spend four hours sharpening your axe.”
Bespoke online crisis simulation technology
The Drill™ is Australasia's first and best, boutique and bespoke online crisis simulation technology, developed by crisis communications experts for practitioners with any crisis prevention remit.
✔ You want the best crisis simulation exercises? Choose The Drill™.
✔ You want your team to experience crisis training online? Ditto, The Drill™.
✔ You want best-in-class crisis planning technology? Do The Drill™.
✔ You want to impress your boss & peers with the best way to train your staff...get The Drill™.
The International Emergency Management Society
We officially launched our all-new crisis simulation portal in 2016 at TIEMS (The International Emergency Management Society) Annual Conference in San Diego.
It went well amongst TIEMS experts, and has gone down very well with many Australasian corporates and government agencies since.
Find out more how our crisis management planning software - The Drill™ - can help you.
saas technology
Our portal offers a realistic replication of the typical crisis pressures that impact a company under crisis - and participants learn best-practice by real-time interactive publishing. It also features interactive crisis planning environments that allow you to prep and plan crisis responses.
Having been through multiple issues management and crisis episodes, we built a system that replicates the realities of most business, yet imaginatively allows clients to follow The Drill™ propriety crisis management planning process.
crisis scenarios
We create tailored, industry or company specific crisis simulation scenarios and crisis exercises. And deliver online.
From cyber attacks to product recalls and staff complaints to reputation disasters, we can scale your training sessions from just a few C-suite or Comms staff to multiple, remotely located teams who 'log in' to the crisis. We can even host a conference-sized cohort (the most we've done to date was around 220 at Mumbrella 360 in Sydney).
crisis training consultants
With bases in Australia and Asia, we're not a huge company but being niche is nice; it keeps us close to our clients and more closely attuned to solving their crisis readiness and training problems.
So choose The Drill because it's an Aussie technology, hosted in Australia, delivered on Australian time clocks. Or, don't. Simply choose us because the expertise and insights we offer is best-in-class and best-in-region.
interactive crisis training
Modern crises don't happen with felt pens on butcher paper; so why still train that old way? Our client attendees learn by interactive publishing, meaning they're more likely to retain what they're being taught in the interactive simulation exercises. Experts claim we retain around 90% of what we see and do, rather than topics we encounter by either just reading or listening.
best-practice Crisis
We believe we're the best in what we do and we want to empower you and your people to be the best they can be, should issues or crises strike.
The interactive crisis platform we've created is developing, growing and teaching us new stuff literally month by month. So, more than experiencing a real-life crisis we also give you a memorable crisis mnemonic to help embed the training knowledge forever.
social media crises
Here, we have a company motto 'Do you know The Drill?' - it's how we challenge clients and ourselves to strive towards better learning. As part of that, we emphasise the trans-media connectivity of crises in our simulations; we help clients understand the 'thru-line' between internal comms, social media, online and broadcast news, plus SEO influence too. Truly, do you know The Drill?
Let's Chat.
Got crisis training questions? Fill out the form below. It'd help if you give all the details: Include your industry along with any specific document requests. To help us best service your enquiry, maybe first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.
For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent to lead The Drill into uncharted fields of practice.